Sunday, 8 May 2011

Grace Darling by Tim Vicary

I chose this book because the write up sounded interesting plus the picture on the front cover appealed to me. When I was younger I enjoyed reading Robinson Crusoe. I enjoy reading about ships.

The book is about an iron ship that went out to sea during a storm. Whilst out at sea they became ship wrecked. With luck there was a lighthouse nearby so the people who were trying to save their lives climbed up onto a rock and started waving to the lighthouse. Grace Darling the daughter spotted them and went to rescue them.

The story is fun and interesting to read.

Caroline Barnes
4 April 2011

1 comment:

  1. I have heard a little bit about Grace Darling when I was in a seaside town in the north of England. Your review makes me want to read a bit more about her story. It sounds exciting.
