Monday, 20 June 2011

The Elephant Man by Tim Vicary

This is a true story about a man who was born deformed back in the 1880’s.

No-one liked him because his face looked like an elephant and he had big feet and he only had one proper hand whilst this hand was bigger than a usual size hand.

He lived in a shop with his adopted mother who didn’t like him either, he lived in a small dark cold room at the back of the shop.

One day a doctor walked passed the shop and in the window there was an advert saying two pence to see the elephant man, the doctor went in and had a look but because of the smell he got out as quickly as possible. The next day he went back and asked if the elephant man could visit him in hospital so he could see if he could help him.

In time the doctor managed to raise money for his keep to stay in the hospital so that he could look after him, the doctor introduced lots of ladies to him and he made lots of friends.

He stayed there for three and a half years but one night he decided to sleep on his back like normal people do, but because his head was so big and heavy it slipped off the edge of the bed and broke his neck.

With the money the doctor raised for this poor man, what was left over he put towards the hospital.


This book was very interesting, I had heard of the elephant man but had never read about his life until now.

I would recommend this book to anyone as it was a sad but happy book to read, very enjoyable.

Caroline Barnes

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