Monday, 20 June 2011

Jack and Jill

by Lucy Cavendish

Publishers: Penguin 2011

Lucy Cavendish, a journalist author and founder member of the Contemporary Women Writer’s Club, has written her latest novel - A Storm in a Teacup.

Jack and Jill is an endearing story about the sister’s extreme love for her younger brother who cannot speak. She cannot remember her brother talking at any time. Jill understands Jack’s every need more then anyone else. Mum forbids Jill to ask any questions about their father and so all she knows is that Dad has left them.

The Children get moved to Devon where they stay with an Aunt and Uncle.
Whilst there, they befriend a local boy called Dick. It is Dick who overhears a conversation in a shop about the children. When he tells Jill about the incident, they decide to investigate. This is how the mystery of why Jack cannot speak gets solved.

This is an enjoyable story and very well written.

Rating 5*

Katharine Stevens

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